The 10 best postage stamp exhibitions in the world.

Here are some of the best postage stamp exhibitions in the world:

1. International Stamp Exhibition (Stockholm, Sweden): This exhibition is held every 10 years and features the best stamp collections from around the world.

2. World Stamp Show (New York, USA): This exhibition is held once every ten years and attracts stamp collectors and enthusiasts from around the globe.

3. Europhilex (London, UK): This exhibition is held every five years and features some of the rarest and most valuable stamps in the world.

4. Philatelia (Belgrade, Serbia): This exhibition is held every two years and features a wide range of stamp collections from various countries.

5. Hong Kong Stamp Exhibition (Hong Kong, China): This exhibition is held every two years and features rare and valuable stamps from around the world.

6. Sberatel (Prague, Czech Republic): This exhibition is held annually and features stamp collections from all over Europe.

7. Brasilia 2021 World Stamp Exhibition (Brasilia, Brazil): This exhibition is scheduled for October 2021 and will showcase the best stamp collections from around the world.

8. World Stamp Show-NY 2016 (New York, USA): This exhibition attracted more than 250,000 visitors and featured over 4,000 stamp collections from around the world.

9. Stampex (London, UK): This exhibition is held twice a year and features the latest stamp collections and philatelic products.

10. Sindelfingen (Stuttgart, Germany): This exhibition is held annually and attracts stamp collectors from all over Europe.

These exhibitions are a great opportunity to view some of the world's rarest and most valuable stamps, meet fellow collectors, and learn more about the fascinating world of philately.

About your Author:

Adrian Roose has over 30 years’ experience covering all aspects of the rare stamp & memorabilia industry during which he has sold over £50m of unique items, helping build collections for Royalty, household name celebrities and 1,000s of collectors around the world.

Adrian was previously a Director at Stanley Gibbons, a Board Member of Stampex, and Executive Director of Paul Fraser Collectibles, PFC Auctions and JustCollecting, prior to founding The Memorabilia Club.

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